J06 (Investment Principles, Markets and Environment)
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of: how the economic environment and individual company performance affects investment performance and investment decision-making; how risk is measured and managed; the main principles governing how to construct an investment portfolio; the range of investment management services, how their performance is evaluated and their regulatory environment.
R01 (Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics)
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.
R04 (Pensions and Retirement Planning)
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of and ability to analyse pension and retirement planning issues.
CF6 (Certificate in Mortgage Advice)
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK regulation environment in the financial services industry, mortgage products, repayment options and the giving of mortgage advice.
FP1 (Financial Services and their Regulation)
Assesses an understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation and legislation.
FP2 (Protection, Savings and Investment)
Assesses an understanding of protection, savings and investment products.
FP3 (Identifying and Satisfying Client Needs)
Assesses an understanding of conducting a fact-find, assessing the client’s needs, and recommending specific (appropriate) financial products to meet those needs.
DipPFS (Diploma in Financial Planning)
This level 4 diploma meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for retail investment advisers, demonstrating core technical knowledge and financial planning capabilities across six core areas.
FPC (Financial Planning Certificate)
A recognition offered by the Chartered Insurance Institute in the United Kingdom. Individuals who hold this qualification have satisfied coursework and testing requirements set by the organisation.
Cert CII (MP) (Certificate in Mortgage Advice)
The level 3 certificate in Mortgage Advice meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for mortgage advisers. It develops an understanding of the sector and the mortgage process, enabling advisers to meet individual client needs.
CertCII (Life and Pensions) (Certificate in Financial Planning (Life & Pensions route))
The life and pensions route builds knowledge and understanding of the sector’s role and its activities. It considers important customer needs, solutions and products, and how individuals and organisations work within the regulatory and legislative environment.